
Here are a few links to some of my work. Some of it is scripts for theatrical and film productions, others are lyrics and poetry and some are articles I have written. Enjoy!

From 2002 until summer of 2010 I was a founding member of Ichidan Cosplay. I wrote and co starred in the following productions for them:

Full Metal Alchemist: The Black gate. Our first show, my first script. It was crazy fun and I loved playing human Alphonse!

Kingdom Hearts Trilogy: The most daunting writing endeavor I've ever done, with over five years total of hard work going into this production. Sadly, the tape for part 3 was lost and has yet to be recovered and put online. Hopefully someone wil lfind it someday. In the first part I played Himura Kenshin. In part 2 I was Capt. Jack Sparrow. For those of you who don't know, I enjoy cosplaying Capt. Jack the most.
Pt. 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYrEGX9s4es
Pt. 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCT0b9gfBYo&feature=related

Bleach: On The Precipice of Defeat. This was a fun show to write, probably not my best work primarily due to a lack of research on my part, but fun none the less. I played Aizen.

Ouran High School Host Club: This has to be my best script for a cosplay in my opinion, just by how easy it is to perform and how enjoyable it is for the audience. Very amazing fun! I did not act in this show, but I did direct it.
Pt1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EMOxBSS59g
Pt2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvExJF1sJGA
Pt 3:  (can't seem to find it. Herp derp.)
Pt 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA5BHtyA6NQ

Original Work:

Here's the first scripted chapter of my new comic, "Eleanor Rigby" check out my website soon to find out what happens next!

An article on my chinchilla: http://www.pawfriendly.com/community/pet-story-chinchilla