
Modern Warfare

I'd like to know why we're still fighting battles in the Middle East. In fact, I'd like to know why we went there in the first place. This is a dead, annoying, old subject. But a subject that is constantly brought up via media and politics none the less.

As far as I am concerned, 9/11 is old news. I absolutely understand if this statement is offensive, but I mean it with sincerity and compassion. Observe the human psyche for a moment, if you will. Here is an excerpt from an article on terrorism, found on the outstanding website

"The political terrorist demands nothing less than for others to admit their “guilt” and change their behavior. Even when threatened with war and destruction, he will refuse negotiation, because negotiation would require laying down his pride. So, rather than back down in a sputter, the terrorist will choose to go down in a blaze, spitefully taking as much of the world with him as possible. Trapped in the problem of refusing solutions, he refuses to accept the real solution: that he himself must live according to the values of honesty and integrity that he demands from others. In that refusal, he defiles the very thing he desperately wants. He defiles love."

Now, I'm not interested in debating over whether or not it was the Taliban who attacked New York or if it was our own government. These facts do not change the way we should react to what has taken place, how the country responded, and what is still taking place now. The plain and simple truth is this: it makes no difference who attacked us. Like bullies on the school yard, or an angry employee at work, or an unruly child at home, we cannot control the actions of others, only the way that we react.

Let's take the bully in the school yard mentality. A bullies primary purpose is to ascertain a certain level of dominance over you. This need to lower the social value of others in order to raise our own is instinctive in our primate minds. Bullies do this for a wide variety of reasons, but the end story is simple, they do it to get ahead of you in some fashion. War tactics, of any kind, from any enemy, be it outside or inside the country, are nothing more than a grand scale version of bullying. In childhood, most of us have been bullied at one time or another. Media states this is a major problem today. Children are reacting to bullies more negatively then ever, even committing suicide in response to their actions. Have we as a society forgotten the solution to bullying? The solution is simple: do not react, other then to defend yourself. I am not talking about self defense as in knocking the bully out for spitting on you, I'm talking about ignoring them and if they do attempt to cause physical harm, have the knowledge and cool headedness to react in a peaceful manner. Block their punches, push away their kicks, and ignore. Soon, the game won't be fun anymore and the bully will stop. It's silly to go into great detail about this here, because it seems fundamental to me. However, I do not believe that we as a culture know how to deal with bullies.

Our reaction to 9/11 and 'terrorism' is completely wrong. Has anyone considered that we as a people are being bullied? Bullied by religious radicals, war lords, political bosses, and economic sharks, both outside and within our own country? A proper response to the attacks would've been this:

Proper, skilled, and trained security marshals on our airlines and airports and other public areas where terrorism threats are high. We have a vast majority of retired, willing and well trained men and women who have spent years in our armed forces. They need jobs and adjusting to a normal social life after experiencing the ways of war can be extremely difficult for them. Most are more than capable and proud to continue serving our country and protecting its people. Here. On our soil. Where the protecting needs to happen. Going to the Middle East and destroying homes, schools and hospitals is not only "stooping to their level" its putting our greatest protectors in unnecessary danger.

Rebuilding the WTC exactly as it was before, only adding a memorial level for those lives that were lost. Anyone who has ever read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu or "The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi should know that the best reaction to a psychological attack (absolutely it was more psychological then physical, if they wanted to do physical damage, they would've targeted our naval fleets and airbases, Pearl Harbor anyone?) the best reaction is no reaction at all. I'm not saying do not mourn the lost, do not grieve and learn from what has happened, but rebuilding the towers would be the best way to psychologically break control over us and show how strong this country truly can be. From my personal experience, not only does this cause an enemy to back off, it terrifies them. Imagine if you will, taking a punch to the face and not reacting to it? Or even better, laughing it off, regardless of how bloody and battered you are. Like Tyler Durden in Fight Club, this reaction will decimate your adversary and provide you with ample time to incapacitate them.

Most importantly of all, boycott all resources both being exported and imported to the countries which support violent radicals who make efforts to harm any citizen or integrity within the United States. It is my belief that our modern wars have been over one thing and one thing only: Oil. As stated earlier, it makes no difference who actually executed the attacks. But one thing is clear, they could've been prevented, but were not. The reason is simple: such violence is a motivator for war. The owners of the oil fields in the Middle East, primarily Iraq, are heavily taxed and restricted by the war lords that inhabit their countries. Also, oil is a limited resource. Within the next fifty years, we will no longer be able to use this resource as abundantly. And it is used everywhere, take a moment and look around whatever room you are in right now. Everything you see and feel, from the product in your hair to your computer monitor, is created primarily out of oil. It isn't just about driving cars. The very basic principle behind economics is offering a limited supply to a large amount of demand. This is how you make the most profit. If the political bosses of this country trade protection and freedom from the warlords who control the Middle Eastern oil tycoons, then they will in turn provide them dirt cheap oil in abundance. This oil is likely not going directly to our gas pumps and production warehouses. It's drained from its fields, shipped here and plugged up, where it will sit for fifty or so years until these bosses and their families are the only ones left in the world with this extremely lucrative resource, thus capitalizing on its supply and demand and making the greatest potential profit. That's the American dream, after all.  This is the same reason why oil companies buy, steal, or pry away inventions that utilize other alternatives to the combustion engine and other alternatives to the excessive use of oil in our day to day lives. They patent these inventions, then lock the patent away, to ensure that oil remains the primary resource in modern civilization.
           The conflict between the Western world and the Middle East will not end unless we stop relying on their resources. The more we buy their oil, the more weapons they purchase at our demise and the demise of anyone who will not conform to them. Do not forget, however, that we have been invading their country and taking their lives for the past two thousand years. We created this monster. But boycotting their oil and any other product they create and refusing to sell them any of ours, not just as a country, but as an entire civilization, is the equivalent to blowing up the enemies bridge or sacking their trade routes. Their resources will dry up and dwindle and they will be hard pressed to attack. The beginning of a solution, and not a shot fired. But we have to let go of our greed! And the oil!

Again, these are just thoughts on the world's situation. I support the men and women in our armed forces. I support their bravery, conviction, and sacrifice. I do not however support the greed, recklessness and personal advancement of our generals, politicians, business men and mobsters who feel that human life is an expendable resource and can be utilized for their own personal gain. They are far greater an enemy then any terrorist living or dead and they currently control our country in a terrifying way. The reason why websites like Wiki Links are such a worry for the people in power of this nation is that they inform its people of things that our leaders do not want us to know about. It is against their agenda and when we know these things, we can't be controlled and if we can't be controlled, then we can't be used. This is extremely dangerous to them and their agenda, whatever it may be.

It's time to stand up and give the power back to the people. We do not have to support the war games of any country, including our own. After all ,the entire reason this country was created was to break away from such oppression. I challenge you to search for alternatives in your life. Alternatives to the use of oil, whether its in the products you use or the car you drive. Alternatives to the solutions our nation's leaders provide. Remember, their solution is often to benefit them and not to benefit us. Alternatives to how we react to bullies, both on a national scale and our day to day lives. Be like Tyler Durden, laugh in the flurry of punches and live your life to the fullest, it's far too short to do otherwise.